Monday, January 5, 2009

Screw you Ben. And Jerry too.

I realized this journey was going to be hard, but had no idea that my husband liked me fat.

Sure, I had forewarned him that my ta-tas are fat, and when you lose fat, you lose the ladies. He seemed to be okay with that. Then I told him my booty will go next, and he was a little sad, but said that was fine.

Then Ben & Jerry’s happened.

He was at the grocery store, and as always he went to find what flavor he wanted.

He saw they had a combination of my two favorite things: pumpkin and cheesecake.

His idea was to buy this for me, and in his excitement called me to tell me. To which I replied I would kill him if he brought it home. Then told him, go ahead, I’ll eat it but spread it out over a few weeks as to not wreck my diet.

Then he told me no, he wasn’t going to get it, I was going to the gym.

Then went on to tell me about all the flavors they had that I couldn’t have.

He was mocking me, and boy did I call him out on it.

I finally realized after this conversation and him telling me the weather was too bad for me to walk to the gym at our apartments that he wants me to stay fat. My husband has fattened me up and that’s the way he wants me.

I love my husband, but this just won’t do. I really don’t want to die in my thirties.

So, if losing weight just isn’t enough, losing weight without the support of your spouse makes it monumental.

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